Our 2017 2018 F3 Charter!

In this 2017 2018 school year, F3 will be an Awesome, Safe, Calm, Responsible, Challenged, Respected and Happy classroom.

We will be awesome by having class meetings everyday, being good sports, making class friends and having engineering challenges.

We will be safe by using materials properly and keeping hands to ourselves.

We will be calm by listening to calming music during independent work time and counting to 10 when we are angry.

We will be responsible by cleaning up the classroom, being quiet during work time, not yelling, following the Maple Way and keeping things organized.

We will be challenged by silently reading for the entire time, not using the easy way out, telling the teachers when something is too easy, trying our best during engineering challenges and having higher level books in the classroom.

We will be happy by laughing everyday, and maybe even singing ;) !

And we will be happy by loving each other, being kind and polite and treating people the way you want to be treated.

When issues arise in F3, we should solve them using restorative justice. If there is an issue and the class members involved do not want to participate in restorative justice, they will resolve their issues with the principal.

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