Having fun and working hard in F3

We are busy as bees here in F3.  Students have been recording the lates episode of KOF3 radio in their native language, testing their go carts for speed and distance, reading up a strorm, and getting more familiar with decimals.

On the last math test, students showed a tremendous amount of growth.  In fact, the students that have come in for morning tutoring twice a week showed more growth than ever.  Congrats!

There are some exciting events coming up soon.  First, tomorrow night is our Math, Pizza and Engineering Night in F pod.  There will be two workshops that night. One is on bar modeling in math and the other is a engineering design worshop.  I'm so excited that so many kids have signed up!

Also, remember that Friday the 30th is a no school day for kids, and on February 12 we will be going to see the play Mwindo at the Seattle Children's Theater.

Next week I'll be sending home surveys to parents about the latest round of KOF3!  Make sure you listen :)

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