Getting off to a great start in F3!

Even though school got off to a late start this year, our class is going full steam ahead!!  Here are some updates:

Students are currently working on multiplication of whole numbers, for example- 129 x 45.  We're learning to do the problem using the standard algorithm and then check the work with estimation.

English Language Arts
I'm so excited about our curriculum this year: we are using Engage NY.  This curriculum is highly engaging and highly demanding of students.  Their vocabulary is growing by the second!  We are reviewing the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and having excellent discussions about the importance of those rights.

Students are testing out experiments in their model stream tables and learning about flooding, erosion and deposition.

Social Studies
Our F3 Constitution is already on its way to being completed.  We'll have Constitution Wednesdays in which we will work on its completion and adding necessary amendments.  This week we started learning about the First Peoples of North America, and soon we'll learn about the encounter between these early peoples and the first European explorers.

Also:  Remember that Multi-ethnic Dinner Night is October 22nd, and our field trip to the Cedar River Watershed is the next day on the 23rd.