The Cedar River Watershed was AWESOME... Next up... GIngerbread!

Testing the water quality of Rattlesnake Lake

We had a fantastic time at teh Cedar River Watershed yesterday! We learned ALL about the water cycle, and got to use high-powered microscopes. Thanks to the parents of Oskar, Erika and Sara for helping out. Listen to a live podcast done from the bus back to Maple here.

ALSO! We were mentioned recently in the Magnolia Voice Newspaper regarding our involvement with the upcoming Gingerbread Vilage at the Sheraton. Good stuff, F3!

Connected Mathemematics 2: A Break from Everyday Math and a peak into Middle School Math

Hello Parents and Friends!

This week we will begin a new math unit, called "Prime Time". This unit is about factors and multiples. The Seattle School District made the choice a couple of years ago to moved two of the sixth grade units to fifth grade in order to supplement our Everyday Math units of study. The other unit of study is called "Bits and Pices", which has to do with fractions and decimals.

The homework will look different. There will be more reading involved. The homework should still take about 20 minutes, leaving another half hour for your child to read.

For homework help and extra activities, please click here. This website is GREAT. It has videos explaining the work we'll do in class in English and in Spanish. Please call or e mail if you ever have questions about homework!

Ms. V.